Welcome to Otter Tail

A labor of love and dedication, born out of our own experiences and passion as Labrador owners. I’m Joey Stinson, and together with my wife Sarah, our two spirited black Labradors, Jackie and Sully, and our delightful 2-year-old Ryan, we embarked on a journey to redefine Labrador care.

Our story began in the heart of our home, where the joys and challenges of raising two Labradors unfolded daily. Jackie and Sully are not just pets; they are members of our family, each with their own unique personality and needs. We quickly realized that the one-size-fits-all approach to dog care products just didn't cut it for them. Labradors are a breed apart, and they deserve care that acknowledges their specific requirements.

Dissatisfied with the generalized products in the market, we decided to take matters into our own hands. That’s how OtterTail was born - out of a need to provide targeted, breed-specific care to Labradors, ensuring they receive the nutrition and attention they truly need.

At OtterTail, we stand by the philosophy that every Labrador deserves the best. We understand that these dogs are not just animals; they are loyal companions, energetic playmates, and, in many cases, working dogs that deserve the highest quality of care. Our products are crafted with this understanding at their core, focusing on the unique aspects of Labrador health and wellbeing.

We're not just business owners; we're customers too. Every OtterTail product is one that we trust and use with Jackie and Sully. This hands-on approach allows us to ensure that we're not just meeting expectations but exceeding them.

Our journey is fueled by love, a deep understanding of the breed, and a commitment to providing the best for Labradors everywhere. That's the OtterTail difference.

Join us in celebrating the joy and uniqueness of Labradors. Together, let’s give them the life they deserve.

Warm regards,

Joey & Sarah Stinson
Founders, OtterTail